As per the direction from AICTE & DTE, a grievance redressal cell has been constituted. Any students having any sort of problem / difficulty are directed to meet the committee members and discuss their problem. The committee will take up the matter and on consultation with the authorities will do the needful.
Grievance Redressal typically covers the following types of complaints:

  •  Service Unavailability
  •  Non-Delivery against Commitment
  •  Excessive Delays
  •  Injustice concerns (such as over race, caste, sex)
  •  Staff Misbehaviour
  •  Malpractice

Wider definition of grievance redressal covers:
  •  Malfunctions under Warranty coverage
  •  Product Support issues
  •  Citizen Vigilance reports
  •  Employee Disputes
  • To promote and maintain a conductive environment in the institute
  • To address and solve grievances of students and staff at the earliest
  • To seek the suggestions from students and staff for the better working of the college.
  • To provide a space where students and staffs can take guts to raise their genuine grievances regarding academic and general matters

  • Staff / Students can submit their grievances through the online form attached in the website
  • The Grievances will be analysed by the committee through a meeting and necessary actions will be taken.
  • Decisions taken will be informed to the authorities and the person who raised the grievance.
  • AICTE Students Grievance Redressal link:
1.    Dr.Preetha R Nair,Principal(Chair Person)
2.    University Representative
3.    Sri. Vinu Sebastian(HoD, Dept. of ME)
4.    Prof.K.M.Ramesh(HoD, Dept. of  CSE)
5.    Sri Sulfi Khan (Vice President, PTA)
6.    Smt. Maya Unnikrishnan(Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE)
7.    Abdul Shahid (Student, S6 CSE)
8.    Nidia Shafeek (University Union Councilor )
9.    Noora N.G(Student, S6 CSE)
10.  Riya Fathima(Student, S6 ECE)


