Examination Committee of MESCET is intended to supervise all the internal and university examinations. It functions to schedule, monitor and tabulation to ensure their proper conduction and review from time to time the results of the University. The Examination Committee may take action whenever necessary against the candidates, paper setters, examiners, moderators or any other person connected with the conduct of an examination of found guilty of malpractices in relation to conduct of the examination. 

The members of the Committee are:

Dr. Lakshmi R Nair H.O.D, ECE/AI&DS AICTE/ KTU Coordinator 
Mrs. Anju Raj V Assistant Professor, EEE  Member
Mrs. Salna V A Assistant Professor, EEE  Member
Mrs. Maya Unnikrishnan Assistant Professor, ECE Member
Mrs. Shruthi Chandran Assistant Professor, CSE Member
Mrs.Teena John K Assistant Professor,CE Member
Ms.Rosemary Varghese Assistant Professor,S&H Member
Ms. Nafeesathul Misiriya  Lab Assistant CE Member
Mrs.Anjumol V.V Lab Assistant Chemistry  Member
